When you manage your own small business, you need to take care of several aspects to remain steady on your feet. Many of these categories also seem easy to handle at first but turn quite challenging when you tackle them headfirst. 

Packaging is one of these factors that appear simple at first glance but come with challenges like costs and durability. This makes it important for you to pay special attention to the packaging materials that you choose and how you use them to give a solid first impression to your customers. 

To help you get through this gauntlet, here are 7 affordable packaging options that strike the ideal balance between spending and quality. 

Table of Contents

1. Mailer Boxes

If you have not used mailer boxes before, this suggestion could be life-changing for your business. These boxes are made from different materials, with corrugated sheets being the most popular. They are also available in different sizes and can be customized according to your business’ branding. Whether you want to follow tips for sending business gifts to vendors or handmade items to customers, these boxes can be an affordable alternative to larger and more expensive shipping boxes. 

2. Paperboard Boxes

These boxes often come in the same dimensions as the more popular shipping boxes. But there’s a major difference between both: Paperboard boxes are made from one sturdy layer of cardboard that is manufactured from wood pulp; whereas, shipping boxes are made from two flat layers of liners and a fluted layer of heavy paper in between. If you want to make sure that your product stays in optimal shape through distribution, you can perform tests like ASTM D4169

3. Custom Stamps

In case you want your branding to shine through without spending a small fortune, you can get a custom stamper with your business’ logo or slogan. From there, it’s just a matter of putting your stamps onto your mailers or shipping boxes. This not only customizes otherwise plain shipping material but also adds a charming flair to your presentation. If your packaging size is large enough, you can use these stamps multiple times to create stellar branding visuals. 

4. Custom Tape

In case you are worried about expenses like the costs of making a custom metal sign, you may want to tread carefully while spending on customizing your packaging. Similar to custom stamps, getting custom tape for your boxes can solve this problem for you without putting a heavy burden on your bank account. These tapes are available at affordable prices across a variety of vendors, which means that you can find the best deals with a little shopping around. 

5. Crinkle Paper

Once you have gotten the external presentation for your packaging all figured out, you need to think about how to pack and show off your product within its box. With crinkle paper, you can save your product from shifting around too much during shipping, while also adding a touch of color to your showcase when customers unbox your item. You can brainstorm with your team through team communication software on picking crinkle paper colors that align with your brand. 

6. Bubble Paper

Next up on your affordable box-filling options is bubble paper wrap, which allows you to give your product some necessary cushioning within its shipping box. While bubble paper might seem expensive at select vendors, you can find it at far more economical prices at some sellers. This means that similar to finding the right banking institution for your small business, you may need to do a little research before you can discover the right fit. 

7. Loose Fill

When it comes to void filling, you cannot go wrong with packing peanuts. Also known as loose fill, this material can help ensure your product’s safety during shipping without a heavy expense. You can also find peaking peanuts in biodegradable material, which can help you lower your small business’ carbon footprint. After going through your business accounting software, you can determine if this option is suitable for the overall spending range of your business. 

By going through these options, you can put together a combination of packaging materials that work for your small business. As you navigate the road to success, you can upgrade your packaging supplies in the future.